Egg quality


Shell color

Shell color
  • Chromameter measurement
  • 3 color scales:
    • L = black/white contrast
    • a = green/red contrast
    • b = blue/yellow contrast

Shell strenght

Shell strenght
  • Egg and shell weight
  • Shell Index
  • Shell thickness
  • Static stiffness and fracture force (with compression machine)
  • Dynamic stiffness (Kdyn)


  • HU = Haugh Units
  • Albumen heigh (H) measured with tripod
    • HU = 100 log (H-1.7p(^0.37)+7.57)
  • White firmness representative measurement

VMS (Vitelline membrane strength)

VMS (Vitelline membrane strength)
  • Realized by compression machine
  • Necessary force measurement to break the vitelline membrane

Bones quality


Data collection

Data collection

Each bone is individually identified:

  • Bone weight with precise balance (0.01g)
  • Flexion bone measurement
  • Bone dry matter and mineral matter
    • Bones find crushing and several repetitions per bone

Meat quality


  • Color
  • pH
  • Water losses quantification during storage
  • Meat stiffness notation

Litter dry matter


To increase the precision in your poultry zootechnical expertise:

  • Litter dry matter measurement
    • Wood shaving
    • wheat straw
  • Representative sampling method
  • Several repetition of each sample for best precision